Matrix Martial Arts Leicester classes
Freestyle TKD and Martial Arts lessons, Leicester and surrounding villages

karate classes leicester martial arts lessons leicester
Our goal is to take you from beginner to advanced practitioner of martial arts. This process has no short cuts and is different from one individual to the next. your own personal journey will test your dedication, your spirit and your fitness. Our mission is to stretch your imagination, develop your character and push your physical ability. You will be amazed what you can accomplish when you try and all we ask is that you try it!
A FREE taster session is available to all to see how we can benefit you. Call 07789 727672 today!

LIL DRAGONS 4 to 7yrs
Our Lil Dragons Programme is a fantastic start to a child's martial arts journey. We incorporate the learning into fun based activities, whilst enhancing the child's co-ordination, balance and confidence. An active child will have a healthy growth mentally and physically.
"Matrix has inspired 3 members of my family to strive for more and to be the best they can be. Every session is fun, challenging and professional. Toni teaches the fundamental tools for the little ones in lil dragons class and the pathway is then open to make it all the way to the coveted black belt through the senior/family classes.
Just excellent"
Fiona B. Mountsorrel classes

KARATE KIDS 7 to 14yrs
The next step in the training is geared towards pre teens. Contact work and semi contact sparring are introduced with protective clothing. The classes are longer and the curriculum more challenging, though the fun element still exists it is tempered with the drive towards focus and personal achievement. mind and body will be stretched.
"Dear Danny,
Thanks once again for attending our quorn cub pack last night, especially at such short notice. The feedback I have had from the cubs has been really positive. They got so much out of their lesson in self-defence, and both myself and the other leader were very impressed with how well our 20+ cubs responded to you.
I wont hesitate to recommend you to other cub packs."
Amanda B. Cub Leader Quorn

FAMILY CLASSES 7yrs upwards
Our family classes enable all over 7 years to train together in one class. The benefits are the convenience of one family making one trip out and forging bonds across the generations. Some of our Instructors started as parents watching from the sidelines!
"Karate has helped me to become a more confident person - helping me in everyday life not just by doing the sport. Matrix has been part of my life for over 5 years now, in that time I have won numerous competitions for Kata, become an assistant to the Fleckney Lil Dragons, been involved with the charity events, met great people and achieved my goal of becoming a Black Belt. All of this wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for support from the instructors and fellow members.
Matrix is family to me. Thank you!"
Hollie D. Fleckney classes

We have in place a range of community based classes around the county to make your martial arts experience accessible and convenient.
“I employed Danny to do some Self Defence Training with 15 Special Needs Children at South Wigston High School. The children can be disruptive but Danny managed the class brilliantly; he used a firm but fair behaviour management strategy. All his classes were taught brilliantly with clear objectives as a result all the children (no matter their disability) understood.
Many of the children in the class were selected on the basis that they were vulnerable or lacked confidence; after the sessions I felt all the children gained something from the classes. The self defence drills he selected to teach were relevant to the situations some of the vulnerable (or bullied) children may have experienced in the playground etc. All of his drills were carried out in a safe and appropriate manner."
Hussein Khan, South Wigston High School PE Department

How to Handle a Child That Wants to Quit an Activity
Do you value the activity? Take a good hard look at what your child is involved with and determine if this activity will enhance your child’s future.
Don’t force your child to do something. Reinforce them. Continue to talk about the benefits of an activity and the progress your child is making. If you reinforce these positive attributes, you won’t have to force the activity on them.
Have discipline. Your child only stays home from school when they’re sick, right? It’s the only time they should miss their activity as well. If you’re wishy washy on your child’s activities, they’ll be wishy washy on their commitment level as well.
Lead by example. This is a classic example of walking the walk. Either get involved with your child or show them that you value a very similar activity for yourself.